Purpose of the reporting channel
You may use this channel to report a suspected abuse or infringement concerning an area of legislation referred to in section 2 of the Whistleblower Act (1171/2022) under the said Act, or under the Money Laundering Act (444/2017).
Please do not use this channel to submit customer feedback or questions related to compensation cases. Please study these guidelines before submitting a report.
Who may submit a report?
You may submit a report if your work brings you into contact with the Finnish Mutual Insurance Company for Pharmaceutical Injury Indemnities and you have received information concerning an infringement in the context of your work. For example, you may be a current or former employee of the Company, someone working for our partner, a member of the board, or someone authorised by such a person.
Submitting a report to the internal reporting channel
You may submit a report here. Follow the service instructions concerning completion of a report. Report the suspected abuse or infringement with the greatest possible precision. Reports may not be submitted anonymously.
Please record the code provided after you have submitted the report. This code enables subsequent monitoring of the processing status of your report, and allows you to submit any further explanations. To ensure confidentiality in processing, we only communicate with you through the reporting channel. Further details of data processing are set out in the privacy statement.
We may ask you to provide further explanations, but you are not obliged to submit any supplementary account. You will be advised of any measures that we have taken in response to your report within three months of submitting the report. Information will be provided to the extent possible, having regard to such aspects as regulations on confidentiality.
Use of the centralised external reporting channel of the Office of the Chancellor of Justice
Unless there are special provisions on reporting directly to a public authority, reports should primarily be submitted through the internal reporting channel of the Company.
A report may be submitted to the national centralised external reporting channel maintained by the Office of the Chancellor of Justice under the following circumstances:
- You have not been given an opportunity to report through an internal reporting channel;
- You have justified cause to believe that an internal report has not resulted in the taking of appropriate measures within the deadline laid down in the Whistleblower Act;
- You have reasonable cause to believe that the infringement cannot be effectively addressed on the basis of an internal report; or
- You have reasonable cause to believe that you are at risk of suffering retaliation for reporting.
The publication of information concerning an infringement is governed by section 9 of the Whistleblower Act. You may be entitled in very exceptional cases to protection even if you publish information that is the subject of a report.
Conditions for whistleblower protection
We may not retaliate against you for reporting information concerning an infringement, nor may we seek to prevent you from submitting a report. Retaliation refers to negative consequences for you, or to other inappropriate treatment due to reporting.
The general condition for protection is that you have reasonable cause at the time of reporting to believe that information concerning an infringement is true, and that such information falls within the scope of the Whistleblower Act or the Money Laundering Act. A further condition for protection is that you comply with guidelines concerning the priority of internal reporting.
Persons other than those specified in legislation are not eligible for protection.