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Coronavirus vaccine information for the media

PLEASE NOTE! We are receiving a lot of claims and contacts as the coronavirus vaccination programme progresses. We are now focusing on processing injury reports with optimal efficiency. You may accordingly not be able to contact us as quickly as usual. We respond to media inquiries with all possible speed.

The most rapid responses are generally made to questions submitted by e-mail to Please leave requests for telephone contact on +358 10 219 5712 (Tue-Thu from 10 am to 1 pm).

Here is some information about coronavirus and our answers to frequently asked questions. We update this information quarterly.


A total of 2 717 claims concerning COVID-19 vaccines had been received by the end of December 2024, with 2 606 decisions issued. Compensation was deemed payable in 800 of these cases, while 1 806 claims were declined. Though seeking to process cases expeditiously, the principle of diligence is not compromised.

Compensation has so far been paid for temporary inconvenience, medical expenses arising from injury, and loss of earnings in some cases. Most adverse reactions have been mild. Expenses are reimbursed according to true documented costs. Compensation for lost earnings is paid according to earnings actually lost. Compensation has been paid in cases where symptoms caused by the vaccine continued for at least 30 days, or the medical costs or loss of earnings caused by the injury exceeded EUR 85.

Compensation has so far been paid as follows: allergic reactions:  22 % of favourable decisions (mainly dermatitis), cardiovascular symptoms: 20 % (most commonly myocarditis), general symptoms and local reactions:  20 % (including fever, pain and suffering, swelling of the vaccination arm and transient fatigue), neurological symptoms: 18 % (headache and some individual less common neurological symptoms), immune system disorders: 10 %, muscle and joint pain: 6 %, and other symptoms: 4 %. No serious unknown adverse reactions have been described in accident reports submitted to date.



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